Category: Technology & Innovation

“Antirretroviral injectável tem eficácia de 100% na prevenção do HIV” – revela estudo

"Injectable antiretroviral has efficacy of 100% in HIV prevention" - study reveals

A scientific study published yesterday (Wednesday 24) concludes that Gilead Sciences' antiretroviral lenacapavir has an overall efficacy of 100% in preventing HIV-1 infection, which is responsible for almost all HIV infections in the world. The data was published in the scientific journal "New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)" and presented at the 25th conference...

João Papel é o primeiro moçambicano e africano a integrar o comité mundial de ciência e tecnologia

João Papel is the first Mozambican and African to join the World Science and Technology Committee

Mozambican João Filipe Papel has become, for the first time, the first African researcher to sit on the World Scientific Assessment Technical Committee of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). With a PhD in Technological Sciences Engineering from the University of Tokai in Japan, João Papel received a scholarship from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) between 2020-2024...

Nigéria: Jovem de 17 anos cria óculos inteligentes para melhorar a vida de deficientes visuais

Nigeria: 17-year-old creates smart glasses to improve the lives of the visually impaired

A 17-year-old Nigerian has developed a tool to help people with vision difficulties. It involves glasses with sensors capable of detecting movements and obstacles using infrared waves, according to the publication "Planeta", consulted by MZNews. With these glasses, the visually impaired can get around without needing a cane....

Investigadores descobrem técnica que permite carregar telemóvel em menos de um minuto

Researchers discover technique to charge cell phones in less than a minute

A group of researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder seems to have discovered a new technique that allows electronic devices to be charged (almost) instantly. According to a report in Notícias ao Minuto, the study was published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and indicates that a cell phone (for example) would take...

Estudante do ISCTEM cria braceletes sensoriais para pessoas com deficiências visuais

ISCTEM student creates sensory bracelets for visually impaired people

An innovative solution that promises to help visually impaired people get around is brought to you by Yone Saranga, a computer engineering student at the Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique (ISCTEM) in Maputo. She invented a sensory bracelet capable of detecting obstacles where users are walking. She designed the bracelet...

Moçambicano sagra-se vencedor de hackathon em Marrocos

Mozambican wins hackathon in Morocco

Toivo Samuel Mabote, a member of the Mozambican Astronomy Association (AMAS) took part in the AFAS Hackathon 2024 held in Morocco and was part of the winning group. The initiative takes place in the search for progress in the dissemination and use of data science and development skills, using various machine learning techniques to solve problems...

Lenovo apresenta primeiro portátil com ecrã transparente

Lenovo presents first laptop with transparent screen

Lenovo has unveiled a laptop with a transparent screen at the Mobile World Congress, an event taking place this week in Barcelona, Spain. The Lenovo ThinkBook Transparent Display Laptop Concept is a prototype laptop that stands out for having a 17.3-inch microLED transparent panel. The transparent screen has no bezels. According to...