DTM Case: Vitória Diogo may answer to the court about the embezzlement of 113 million meticais

Caso DTM: Vitória Diogo pode responder ao tribunal sobre o desvio de 113 milhões de meticais

The former Minister of Labor and current Secretary of State of Maputo province, Vitória Diogo, has been charged in the case of embezzlement of 113 million meticais from the National Directorate of Migratory Labor (DTM). About 10.000.000,00 meticais were absorbed by a company where SE has shares.

According to our source, Diogo is a shareholder of the company "Mulher Investimentos", - one of the two companies involved in the default -, and it was during the trial of the 113 million meticals embezzlement case that Anastácio Matsinhe mentioned the name of the SE of Maputo province.

Anastácio Matsinhe is the lawyer of the former Minister of Labor, Helena Taipo, defendant in the same case.

DTM and the company where Vitória Diogo is a shareholder, "Mulher Investimentos", reportedly entered into a contract worth 4,400,000.00 meticais, on November 20, 2013, for the supply of construction material for projects of social reintegration of former Mozambican miners and their dependents. The entities entered into another contract for the same purpose as the previous contract in the amount of 2,250,000.00 meticais, on April 24, 2014.

The company "Mulher Investimentos" received a check for two million meticais, on May 30, 2014. The company also received 500,000.00 meticais for social reinsertion projects for miners.

Mulher Investimentos" has subcontracted "Indomobil" to partially carry out the project.

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