Carmelita Namashulua calls for calm among teachers and promises to correct the anomalies of the Single Salary Schedule

Carmelita Namashulua pede calma aos professores e promete corrigir as anomalias da Tabela Salarial Única

Minister of Education, Carmelita Namashulua, assures that the Mozambican Executive is doing everything to correct the anomalies detected in the application of the new Single Wage Table.

"Everything is being done in our government to correct all the discontinuities that may exist in the implementation" of the Single Wage Table (TSU), Carmelita Namashulua told the media on the sidelines of a public event in Maputo.

At issue are complaints by some civil servants, including teachers, of irregularities in their framework.

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In DW's view, the errors in the process are understandable, as it is a new procedure that aims to "bring a certain dignity to the civil service."

"So we wanted to call on our fellow teachers to continue to teach properly, continue to prepare our students for the exams that will be held in November," she said, adding that the Ministry of Education is in constant contact with the National Organization of Teachers (ONP).

"It is important to be calm, this is an unfinished process. As was said by our government, as we implement it, we will also correct the irregularities that may arise," she stressed.

The approval by the Parliament and promulgation by the President of the Republic of the new TSU occurred after the document was returned by the Executive to the Parliament following the detection of "inconsistencies".

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