Beatriz Buchili recognizes involvement of public servants in acts of corruption

The Attorney General says that public servants continue to get involved in corruption cases, embezzling money from the State and damaging the national interest.

Beatriz Buchili explained that by taking advantage of their functions, some public servants appropriate material and financial resources from the State.

Speaking this Wednesday in Parliament, in her Annual Report on the General State of Justice in the country, the Attorney General said that one thousand, nine hundred and thirteen corruption-related cases were processed last year.

In this annual report on the general state of justice in the country the Attorney General spoke of kidnappings.

Beatriz Buchili said that investigations by PGR experts have concluded that some magistrates, lawyers and police officers, are linked to the kidnapping groups.

As for the fight against terrorism, the attorney general said that a working team has been created, composed of magistrates and investigators, which is dedicated to the instruction of cases.

Beatriz Buchili said that investigations conducted last year culminated in the arrest of 57 individuals of different nationalities.

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