Author: MZNews (MZNews )

Acidente de viação faz dois feridos em Niassa

Road accident injures two in Niassa

A road accident involving a passenger car belonging to the Nagi company overturned this morning, injuring two people, in Chirope, Mitande Administrative Post, Mandimba district, Niassa province. The victims, two children - one of whom was a newborn and sustained head injuries - were immediately taken to a...

Acidentes de viação causaram 134 óbitos entre Janeiro e Fevereiro deste ano

Road accidents caused 134 deaths between January and February this year

Road accidents caused 134 deaths in the first two months of the current year, January and February, 40 more deaths (43%) compared to the same period in 2024, when there were 94 deaths, according to the Head of the Road Accident Investigation and Forensics Department at the Traffic Department of the General Command of the Police of...

Dois garimpeiros morreram numa mina de ouro em Manica

Two miners died in a gold mine in Manica

Two citizens practicing artisanal gold mining died as a result of incidents at the administrative post of Nhampassa, in the district of Báruè, in the province of Manica. One of the victims died buried in a tunnel, after a section of land collapsed. The other, from Maputo, died on the way to Catandica District Hospital, in...

Professores da Escola Portuguesa paralisam actividades em Maputo

Portuguese school teachers stop work in Maputo

Teachers at the Portuguese School of Mozambique (EPM), in Maputo city, began a two-day strike today, from the 27th to the 28th of this month, to demand better working conditions, which have been unequal for more than two decades. The "equity" protests had already been announced about a week ago. They are coordinated protests between schools...

Gaza: Margarida Chongo promete processar escolas que obrigam alunos a pagar encargos não obrigatórios

Gaza: Margarida Chongo vows to sue schools that force students to pay non-compulsory fees

The governor of Gaza has reiterated that it is illegal to prevent pupils from entering the classroom due to the non-contribution of the amount earmarked for the remuneration of guards in public educational establishments, an issue that has generated debate in various parts of the province and the country, especially at the beginning of each school year. Margarida Chongo called...

Governo deve renegociar contratos com multinacionais, defende PODEMOS

Government should renegotiate contracts with multinationals, argues PODEMOS

The government should review and renegotiate the contracts with the oil multinationals that exploit the country's natural resources, according to the parliamentary caucus of the Optimistic People for the Development of Mozambique (PODEMOS) party. "The lack of effective legislation on corporate social responsibility contributes to this disconnect, with promises of benefits that are not...

Talapa exorta deputados a priorizar os interesses da nação

Talapa urges MPs to prioritize the interests of the nation

The President of the Assembly of the Republic, Margarida Adamugi Talapa, urged MPs in Maputo on Wednesday (26) to put the interests of the nation first and to be an example of peace in the Mozambican family. Speaking during the opening of the First Ordinary Session of his Tenth Legislature, Talapa added that MPs should be the...

União Europeia saúda encontro entre Chapo e Mondlane

European Union welcomes meeting between Chapo and Mondlane

The European Union (EU) welcomes the meeting between the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, and the former presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, on March 23, and stresses that it is a positive step towards reconciliation in Mozambique. "The EU encourages all political actors in Mozambique to pursue a productive dialogue that will lead to...