AT foresees a deficit of 115 billion meticais in tax collection in 2023

AT prevê um défice de 115 mil milhões de meticais na colecta de impostos em 2023

The director-general of Taxes at the Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) revealed last Friday that the country will have a revenue shortfall of more than 115 billion meticais this year to cover public spending, estimated at 472 billion.

According to Lurdes Banze, the solution is to increase the number of taxpayers.

For Lurdes Banze, we need to broaden the tax base in order to reduce the country's budget deficit.

"According to the budget law for the current year, it sets state revenue at around 357.6 billion meticais and public expenditure at around 472.1 billion meticais. This represents a deficit of around 115.05 billion meticais to be covered by internal and external financing, a scenario that finds solutions in national production and productivity," said Lurdes Banze, quoted by TVM.

With the intention of increasing tax collection, a caravan of taxpayers has been touring the country since January 9, and is already in Inhambane, heading for Sofala province.

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