Approved the draft law for the Economic and Social Plan for 2023

The government approved, this Wednesday, the draft law for the Economic and Social Plan and State Budget (PESOE) for 2023.

The instrument to be submitted to the Parliament aims to define the main economic and social objectives and the financial policy of the State, said the spokesperson for the 30th session of the Council of Ministers, Filimão Suázi.

According to the spokesman, it is also planned to increase exports of goods to $8.8 billion, in addition to building up reserves to cover three months of imports of goods and services.

In nominal terms, the State Budget for 2023 foresees an expenditure of 472 billion meticais, about a quarter of which will be covered by financing.

The discussion of the Economic and Social Plan and the State Budget for next year is part of the agenda for the parliamentary debates that will resume today and run until December

In the same session, the Council of Ministers also approved the National Qualification Framework decree.

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