Maputo: Delay in rehabilitation works hampers resumption of activities at Maragra sugar mill

Maputo: Atraso das obras de reabilitação condiciona retoma de actividades da Açucareira da Maragra

The delay in starting work on the rehabilitation of the Incomati River water protection dyke in the Manhiça district is hampering the reopening of the Maragra sugar factory, which has been paralyzed for two years due to flooding of the sugar cane production fields..

The flooding of the sugarcane production areas forced the then management of the sugar mill to abandon the enterprise, leaving more than five thousand workers unemployed.

According to a Radio MozambiqueHenriques Bongece, the Secretary of State in Maputo province, said during a visit to the factory that the government authorities are currently waiting for the pronouncements of new shareholders who are expected to resume the sugar production project and consequently the recovery of jobs.

"The government is looking forward to the continuation of sugar production at the Maragra factory," he said.


(Photo DR)

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