ADB finances construction of ten water reservoirs in Gaza province

BAD financia construção de dez reservatórios de água na província de Gaza

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is financing the construction of ten dugout reservoirs in various communities in the Chicualacuala district, in the north of Gaza province. The initiative is part of the response to the drought in that province in the south of Mozambique.

Cacilda Banze, the administrator of the Chicualacuala district, said that so far the construction of four dams has been completed, which could minimize the lack of water for the population's consumption and livestock watering in the region.

"Construction work on the remaining six excavated reservoirs is due to start in the coming months. With this initiative, the beneficiary communities will no longer have to travel long distances in order to have access to drinking water," added the source, quoted by the Radio Mozambique.

Currently, the water supply coverage rate in the Chicualacuala district is 78%, out of more than 29,000 inhabitants in the region.

In Gaza province, especially in the north, several communities have been facing a food crisis since last year due to the drought caused by the El Niño weather phenomenon.


(Photo DR)

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