Commander who ordered Rasaque Manhique's escort car to be painted removed

​​Afastado comandante que ordenou pintura de carro de escolta de Rasaque Manhique

The Mayor of Maputo City, Rasaque Manhique, has dismissed the commander of the municipal police, Ernesto Zualo, and appointed António Salvador Espada to the post.

Ernesto Zualo is the commander who authorized the painting of a vehicle to escort the mayor of Maputo in the colors of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique for more than 300,000 meticais.

Despite doubts about the legal procedures for such a painting order, Rasaque Manhique did not reveal the reasons for Zualo's dismissal. He appealed to the now sworn-in commander to be an accurate leader for the citizens.

"We're going to demand that you be very demanding, because you are, and that you control the municipal police. We must not tarnish our institution by acts of corruption. We must be demanding so that we are aware that acts of corruption destroy our society," he said.

Manhique wants the municipal police to work for the good of the citizens, acting in a friendly manner first and foremost.

"When we rush to sanction someone with fines and so on, we should know how to put ourselves in that person's shoes: 'if it were me, would I immediately be able to pay?" he asked.

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