Government promises to resolve concerns of health professionals and teachers "soon"

Governo promete resolver preocupações do profissionais de saúde e professores “a breve trecho”

The executive will "soon" resolve the concerns of health professionals and teachers, spokesman Filimão Suaze said on Tuesday.

"On the government side, through the line ministries, measures are being taken to mitigate any adverse effects of the absence of either professional," he assured.

Speaking to the press after the 13th ordinary session of the Council of Ministers, he said that the government had received information about the health professionals' strike with some surprise, given the progress of the issues at the negotiating table.

he Association of United and Solidarity Health Professionals of Mozambique (APSUSM) began a 30-day strike on Monday, covering more than 50,000 employees across the country.

"From the government's point of view, the start of this strike came as a bit of a surprise, because it was called at a time when our understanding is that there is cordial dialogue," he said, assuring that "we believe and expect that the matter will soon be closed".

With regard to the teachers, Suaze said that the work has been increasingly fruitful as it has gone on.

"As the grey areas regarding overtime are clarified, and as capacity permits, those processes that have already been clarified will be paid," he said.

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