Venâncio Mondlane, a member of the Assembly of the Republic, is proposing the rejection of a bill that determines the profile of a Renamo member eligible to be President of the Party and a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic.
In an open letter, the MP accuses the National Political Commission of drawing up a profile that contradicts the party's rules and statutes in order to remove him from a possible run for power, as well as excluding the majority of Renamo members and supporters, the youth, from holding leadership positions.
In the document, Venâncio Mondlane mentions that the profile proposal, which will supposedly be analyzed at the next session of the party's National Council, briefly demands two requirements, namely 15 years of activism in Renamo and holding office.
"In this profile proposal, on purpose, no position held by Venâncio Mondlane has been included... all the positions listed, with the exception of Secretary General, Member of the National Council, National Head of Department, all the other positions are not superior to any of the three positions already held by Venâncio Mondlane," it reads.
As well as being a member of parliament, he was Renamo's National Mandate, National Advisor to the party's President and Rapporteur of the party's parliamentary caucus in the Assembly of the Republic.
"The profiling was not done objectively and impartially, as it specifically aims to exclude a specific person, which violates the most elementary principles of normative technique, which dictates that norms must be general and abstract," he said.
Among other things, it proposes that the members of the National Council demand a financial report for the last five years; an inventory of the party's immovable and movable assets; and a report on the property or other benefits that the party has received from the public budget for the office of the leader of the second party with a parliamentary seat.
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