EMPTM awaits approval from the Ministry of Economy to allocate 110 buses later this year

EMPTM aguarda aval do Ministério da Economia para alocar 110 autocarros ainda este ano

The Maputo Municipal Public Transport Company (EMPTM) is waiting for the guarantee to be issued and the financing contract to be signed for the import of the first batch of 110 buses planned for this year.

According to the company, the contracting of the supplier, Youtong Busco, has so far been concluded. EMPTM has received approval for the financing and is awaiting a response from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) on the request for a guarantee to make the operation, valued at more than 500 million meticais, viable.

The information was announced this Friday by the company's chairman of the board of directors, Lourenço Albino, during the 12th Annual Planning Meeting, which brought together senior EMTPM staff, cooperation partners and municipal transport and mobility management bodies.

On the occasion, the mayor of Maputo, Eneas Comiche, challenged the EMPTM staff to analyze in depth the details for improving transport in the city.

"The solution cannot be seen as definitive, hence the need to permanently study the problem of circulation and mobility in the capital," said Comiche.

The municipal manager also challenged EMPTM's staff to find ways to develop actions to guarantee the continuous and regular maintenance of the fleet in order to ensure its proper functioning and durability, as well as to strengthen the management and revenue collection capacity to meet its short, medium and long-term obligations.

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