The Tete-Maputo electricity transmission line will be managed by Sociedade Nacional de Transporte de Energia, SA (STE), whose corporate identity and institutional image was presented this Monday in Maputo.
The company, which is solely owned by Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) under the National Energy Strategy, is tasked with managing a line of around 1,400 kilometers between the two provinces, passing through Sofala, Inhambane and Gaza.
The purpose of STE is to transport electricity reliably and safely with a view to reducing losses during these operations, said Francisco Inroga, quoted by "Notícias".
"We also want to safeguard STE's reputation and good name in the energy sector by giving it a coherent and distinctive graphic and visual typography, so that the project can be easily identified in the energy business spheres and in public opinion," he said.
EDM created STE to develop and execute the Temane-Maputo line project and three new substations, Vilankulo, Chibuto, Matalane and the extension of the Maputo substation, which is already in operation.
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