The National Union of Chemical Industry Workers demands the Mozambican government to fix a salary in line with the current cost of living in Mozambique for employees in this sector.
According to RFI, the union also demands the respect of the labor law by the employer especially foreign companies that act outside the law and without offering the minimum conditions of hygiene and safety at work.
Jessica Gune, general secretary of the National Union of Workers in the Chemical and Allied Industries, resents the high cost of living and demands that the government decide on a wage increase "that will do something, prices should also be reasonable. Now every day prices are increasing. There is no price standard in this country. How is the worker going to survive?" the union member wonders.
The National Union of Workers of the Chemical Industry and related areas, which demands, among other things, the establishment of a minimum wage of 15 thousand meticais, equivalent to half of the 30 thousand estimated for the monthly basic food basket, denounces, on the other hand, the lack of hygiene and safety conditions at work, with consequences for health. Most workers contract diseases from the workplace, but there are no inspections. The worker gets sick and is left to his fate" denounces Jéssica June.
Concerns heard during the second session of the National Trade Union Council in Maputo.
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