Government guarantees to continue to carry out reforms to attract more investments

The government reiterated in Washington its determination to carry out macroeconomic and structural reforms in the state program, aiming to attract more funding to the country.

The determination was expressed by the Minister of Economy and Finance to the representatives of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank during the spring meetings of these financial institutions.

According to Radio Mozambique, Max Tonela explained that the macroeconomic and structural reforms to be carried out in the government's program will boost the Mozambican economy and the improvement of the state's financial management capacity.

The Minister of Economy and Finance stressed that during the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, some mechanisms were discussed to find resources to support the Mozambican government, in order to cope with the effects of the terrorist attacks in Cabo Delgado and climate change in the country.

Further on the Minister of Economy and Finance Max Tonela, announced that the government expects to make progress in the near future on the onshore natural gas exploration project in the Rovuma Basin.

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