Is the crisis still going on after all? Evergrande asks for more time to pay off debts

The Chinese real estate group, Evergrande, appealed on Monday to creditors to be more patient and provide more time for repayment of debts, also asking that "no radical legal action be taken"Reuters news agency quoted by the newspaper "Negócios".

Three days ago a group of foreign creditors of real estate giant Evergrande threatened to move forward with legal action against the Chinese company because of a restructuring plan they say is "opaque."

Meanwhile, in a statement issued Thursday, quoted by CNN Money, investors say they are "seriously considering legal action" after Evergrande failed to engage in dialogue over its ongoing operations to reorganize its operations.

Recall that Evergrande's crisis erupted when in September the company warned of a liquidity crisis it was experiencing, having since missed several interest payments to the company's creditors.

Last month, the financial rating agency Fitch declared Evergrande in default, for failing to pay amounts due to its bondholders.

The Chinese authorities are supposed to be helping Evergrande in its restructuring process, but the lack of information from Beijing is leaving foreign investors without patience. These creditors claim to have been left in the dark and say that they have received "little more than vague assurances of intent, lacking in detail and substance" from the company.

However, the investors, who feel marginalized because they are foreigners, nevertheless acknowledge the company's efforts to resume most of its construction projects and assure that they want to help in this difficult time and "be part of the solution."

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