A world-class, multi-purpose deep-water seaport with the capacity to handle 150 million tons of cargo per year could be built, starting in 2023, in Chongoene, Gaza province.
To realize this initiative, Mozambique STT SA and PowerChina HHY Joint Venture announced the signing a few days ago of the contract for the realization of the so-called Chongoene Development Corridor (CDC).
The deal is valued at more than $324 million, corresponding to the first phase of the infrastructure construction.
Overall, the CDC project is estimated at $7.2 billion and comprises, in addition to the deep-water port, a multi-purpose high-density cargo railway line designed for heavy cargo transport patterns; a 221-kilometer line from the port of Chongoene to Donga (Guijá district), where it will connect with the Mozambique Railways (CFM) line to Chicualacuala, on the border with the Republic of Zimbabwe.
This line will ensure access to the port of Chongoene by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries, namely Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Angola.
Also planned is the construction of a branch line from the port of Chongoene to the district of Jangamo, via Inharrime, in Inhambane province, an area rich in agricultural and mineral resources.