From 2022 on, the State wants to save 10 billion with remunerations

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Adriano Maleiane reveals that the government plans to stop having, as of 2022, an annual increase of 10 billion meticais in its budget for the payment of salaries, with the beginning of the implementation of the new Single Wage Table, for the remuneration of employees, agents and other public servants.

For Maleiane, who was speaking this week in parliament, this relief in the budget is framed within the government's efforts at fiscal consolidation, that is, harmonization between expenses and revenues.

"We believe that more than reduction, the best thing is to make the expense measurable, in terms of results. For example, we are bringing the forecast of the remuneration criteria for state employees, within the scope of fiscal consolidation," explained the governor, adding that: "this means that it is necessary to know that, as of 2022, we will not have the increase of 10 billion per year, which results from all the salary mechanics that were done annually."

Meanwhile, the executive foresees, in 2022, a budget of 450 billion meticais, with salaries and wages in the Civil Service consuming 147.8 billion meticais and pensions 18 billion meticais.

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