Tag: vaccination campaign

Home " vaccination campaign
Ministério da Saúde lança hoje campanha de vacinação contra a cólera

Ministry of Health launches cholera vaccination campaign today

The Ministry of Health (MISAU) has announced the launch, as of today, Monday, of a mass vaccination campaign against cholera in the provinces most affected by the disease. Speaking to journalists last Friday, the deputy national director of Public Health, Benigna Matsinhe, said that the cholera outbreak had slowed down between July and...


China pledges to provide one billion doses of Covid-19 vaccine to Africa

China's President Xi Jinping pledged on Monday to provide an additional 1 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccine to African countries now facing the emergence of the Omicron variant, classified as of "concern" by the World Health Organization (WHO). Without giving a date for the distribution, the Chinese president said that 600 million doses will be donated to the...