The head of the Mouha administrative post, from the Frelimo party, is in the dock at the Sussundenga Judicial Court, in Manica province, accused of electoral offenses by the Renamo party.
Renamo accuses the head of the Mouha administrative post of attempting to sabotage its election campaign in Sussundenga. The summary trial took place on Thursday.
The judgment should be read out on October 7, two days before the general elections.
"The most important thing here is to tell Mozambicans that no one is untouchable, we can all be called to justice, discouraging those who don't like to abide by the law," said Saimone Macuiane, head of the list for governor of Manica province and Renamo's defense lawyer.
The head of Mouha's administrative post rejects the accusations. Isaías Micas Wetela, the defense lawyer, says he expects a fair and impartial decision. "As this is a summary process, I say it was good, and we await the court's decision," he said, quoted by DW.
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