Lutero Simango promises to reduce taxes and create canning factories

Lutero Simango promete reduzir impostos e criar fábricas de conservas

On the third day of the election campaign, the presidential candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Lutero Simango, who began his tour in Sofala province, went to Nhamatanda district.

That part of the province is an important constituency and breadbasket. In this respect, during the door-to-door campaign, Luther promised to set up small processing and canning plants for agricultural surpluses for export.

In addition, the MDM candidate told voters that if he is elected President of the Republic he will reduce the tax rates currently in force in the country.

Simango also promised to guarantee security for all Mozambican citizens, mainly by eliminating kidnappings, abductions and organized crime, by equipping the Police of the Republic of Mozambique with means of action.

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