The National Institute of Meteorology (INAM) predicts the occurrence of heavy to very heavy rains, accompanied by severe thunderstorms and gusty winds from today (Thursday), in the central and northern regions of the country.
The tropical storm Dumako, that hit Madagascar yesterday, will reach Mozambique tomorrow, with rains above 200 mm/24h accompanied by thunderstorms, strong winds, with gusts up to 65Km/h, affecting all districts of the province of Zambezia and Tete, the districts of Moma, Larde, Angonche, Mogovolas, Liupo and Morrupula, in Nampula, and the districts of Marromeu, Muanza, Cheringoma, Maringue, Caia, Chemba and Gorongosa, in the province of Sofala. In Manica province, the districts of Guro, Tambara, Macossa and Báruè may be affected.
Rainfall above 100mm/24h is also expected, accompanied by thunderstorms in the provinces of Sofala (in the districts of Dondo, Nhamatanda, Buzi, Chibabava, Machanga and the city of Beira), Manica (Vanduzi, Gondola, Manica, Sussendenga, Mossurize, Machaze and Chimoio city), Nampula (Memba, Erati, Nacarroa, Monapo, Ilha de Moçambique, Nacala, Muecenta, Rapale, Mecuburi, Lalaua, Malena, Ribaue, Marrupula, Nampula city, Meconta, Mogincual and Mossuril) and all districts in Niassa.