Category: Opinions

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Restos mortais de um ex-imigrante moçambicano em Portugal

Remains of a former Mozambican immigrant in Portugal

The death of Felismão Filimão, in the entire neighborhood, was not known until a week later. It was the odor bubbles that injected the neighborhood that aroused everyone's attention. The flies, drugged by the strong smell that came from a place that was not yet known, swarmed all over the neighborhood like militiamen...

As raízes que acabaram com o editor Trindade…

The roots that ended with the Trindade editor...

As an intern, the first person I met at that newspaper was a white, half-worn-out man who, whenever he entered the newsroom, left a huge tail of alcoholic yawns and light tobacco hairs in the form of a smell. He always screamed into the newsroom with his tongue on his chest and started barking: "This is ....

Governar é pisar gente e não cães…

To govern is to step on people, not dogs....

There is no lack of sirens in Maputo. Every second there is a siren blaring in the streets of the city. Who has never seen, in the middle of the city, the herd of sirens that is herded by long escorts when the country's superiors pass by? On every corner of the city there is a siren just like...

Político é político e ladrão é ladrão

A politician is a politician and a thief is a thief

Tell me who doesn't know that the politician is heard by a most excellent judge and the thief is interrogated by a chief of operations with cell keys in hand, the politician embezzles public money and the thief steals money in public. The neighborhood thieves sweep up laundry on the clotheslines and the politician is not....

Porque isso não é violência…

Because that's not violence...

You take off your belt, your pants fall off, and my tears fall on me too. You hit me because words are no good, they have no meaning when you strengthen a home. The same hand that took two cow heads, colorful suits for my parents, today rolls up a belt and beats me. I complain little because I know that the...

O Senhor Deputado da minha turma…

The gentleman from my class...

His huge belly with a school of worms like that of a gestating kangaroo and his ability to sleep with his mouth open in the living room, led the whole class to call him Mr. Deputy. His name was Viriato Bernardo Maposse. It was a sight to see him sleeping with his mouth open and the flies landing buzzing on the runway....

Um ministério da cultura sem cultura…

A ministry of culture without culture...

I don't care if Mr. Kuka sang or Valdemiro José sang in Dubai. I don't care who sang and who didn't, I'm just impressed by the childish and dismissive way the Ministry of Culture and Tourism treats our culture. In every corner of the country there are religious ministries that work miracles and the...

Mondlane, os camaradas roeram o teu plano arquitectónico…

Mondlane, the comrades chewed up your architectural plan...

If the book hadn't dropped one of the chapters, in the form of a bomb, you would be with us now. My fourth-grade teacher taught me after a banquet of beatings that you died in the office; he repeated this while his hands, clenched into fists, made his blood boil with pain. The story was something that had been stuck in my head.

A Polícia Municipal devia varrer essas Portagens…

The City Police should sweep up those Tolls....

The Municipal Police should, as they do downtown, sweep up these toll booths that, from corner to corner, appear like frogs breeding in the ditches. It is the Municipal Police who should put the so-called chamussas in the fees of these tolls and let their dogs loose on them. It's the Municipal Police that should rip out those tolls, mess them up....

Pense antes de clicar

Think before you click

Written by Mónica Souto - Risk Director at FNBM They say that the only constant is change, and the panorama of fraud episodes proves it almost every day. The cat and mouse game between criminals and banks is something recurrent. The Risk and Fraud teams make a continuous effort in...