Pollution in Moatize: Residents file suit against Vulcan

Poluição em Moatize: Moradores submetem providência contra Vulcan

The Moatize residents' committee is going to file an injunction against the Indian-owned mining company Vulcan and the government, because they believe that their appeals to prevent environmental pollution from coal mining are being ignored.

This claim was expressed after a meeting was held on Tuesday which was not attended by representatives of Vulcan, the Municipal Council and the Moatize administration.

Residents believe that the absences show a lack of respect for the situation in the communities affected by the activities and a lack of interest in putting an end to the problem.

"We're surprised that you haven't answered any of our questions... and the government has shown its silence. We're going to gather all the evidence so that it can be upheld in the courts. There is enough evidence," said Bequere Marcelino, a representative of the Moatize residents' committee, quoted by STV.

Meanwhile, the Tete Provincial Prosecutor's Office has already summoned Vulcan, and the company is now obliged to provide quarterly reports on air and pollution levels.

But the prosecutor's office also wants to gather evidence of the damage caused by the pollution.

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