External forces create disorder in the wake of terrorism, says Gubezuza

Forças externas criam desordem à boleia do terrorismo, diz Gubezuza

There are external forces causing disturbances in Mozambican territory, due to the destabilization caused by terrorist actions in the province of Cabo Delgado, says Armando Guebuza, the former President of the Republic.

"Peace is an asset that the country has learned to value, despite the existence of external forces that create disorder through terrorism," he said on Tuesday in Maputo at a lecture on the 60th anniversary of the Armed Forces and Defense of Mozambique and the Armed Liberation Struggle.

In this vein, the former Head of State advocates the enhancement of peace through continuous efforts based on patriotic attitudes.

"The country has several enemies who are constantly fighting against stability. The outbreak of local instability in Cabo Delgado is a fact that proves the existence of undeclared enemies against the country's independence," he said.

At the time, he said that the strategic plan that led to the hidden debt scandal had been designed to combat terrorism. However, it was thwarted by internal misalignments.

"The famous idea of hidden debts is because we reacted to the situation... it's because we bought boats, we had people trained to fight what was there. They said it was treason. It's obvious that we tried to do a lot, but we wouldn't have achieved much, but we would have achieved much more than we did. Our internal structures were disjointed, which meant that our efforts didn't work in our favor and we couldn't coordinate them in the same direction. It's a typical example of a lack of unity," he noted.

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