Protesters stop traffic at the Namaacha border crossing

Manifestantes impedem circulação na fronteira de Namaacha

A group of demonstrators in the district of Namaacha in Maputo province prevented public infrastructures from functioning and prohibited the normal movement of people and goods.

The group gathered near the border post linking Mozambique and Suatini in order to ban the crossing between the countries.

Since the beginning of the post-election protests in the country on October 21, the district of Namaacha has been relatively calm, with no major cases.

However, the Namaacha border has been an alternative for those wishing to bypass the Ressano Garcia border between South Africa and Mozambique.

The border at Lebombo (Ressano Garcia) has been closed on the South African side since Monday as a result of the post-election demonstrations on the Mozambican side.

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