Venâncio Mondlane denounces the existence of negotiations that try to lure PODEMOS members

Venâncio Mondlane denuncia existência de negociatas que tentam aliciar membros do PODEMOS

The presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, today denounced the existence of some negotiators who are trying to entice members of PODEMOS in order to legitimize the Frelimo government. According to Venâncio Mondlane, these are people linked to the Frelimo party who, in recent days, have been trying to entice some members by promising certain leadership positions.

"Let them do these deals, but God will judge you. With the people you will be lost," said Mondlane on his social network Facebook.

In the same liveThe PODEMOS presidential candidate revealed the existence of a group made up of various international forces who are trying to corner him with the aim of ending his life. "I'm increasingly cornered, but I'm calm," he said.

Mondlane also reiterated that he will be in Maputo on January 15 to take office, and that he is currently finalizing a governance plan for the next five years. The source explained that from today until tomorrow, he is open to hearing suggestions from Mozambicans with a view to improving the country's courts.

From the 23rd, Venâncio Mondlane called for the free passage of health professionals, users seeking health care, as well as funeral vehicles.


(Photo DR)

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