TSU: UIR members unhappy with the "biggest scam". Posts supposedly abandoned

TSU: Membros da UIR descontentes com a “maior burla”. Postos supostamente abandonados

While members of the opposition point to the Mozambican government for having cheated civil servants by applying the Single Wage Table (TSU), considered the "biggest scam" by António Muchanga, a Renamo MP in one of the recent parliamentary sessions, elements of the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR) on the front line in the fight against terrorism in Cabo Delgado province bring an even more frightening scenario.

"In order to successfully wrap themselves up, the Mozambicans, in a premeditated and Machiavellian way, created an endless number of decrees and then repealed them, to create other decrees in their place, which they also repealed, and then others. They made frameworks and re-frameworks. All with the aim of getting in the way of civil servants. The result is that many are now in uncertainty," said the MP from the largest opposition party.

According to the "Moz24 horas" portal, the situation is going from bad to worse, causing widespread discontent among those who have been scammed and with the harmful consequences that could result from the problem.

Elements of the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR) on the front line in the fight against terrorism in Cabo Delgado province heard by the portal present a frightening scenario that ranges from abandonment of positions, low morale and more.

Members of the UIR are abandoning their positions in Nangade and Muidumbe due to a lack of morale on the part of their superiors. The young people are unhappy about the lack of salaries and salary fluctuations.

"You can't even tell the difference between the corporals, sergeants and guards, they're doing badly. Before, we had visits from our commander Bernardino Rafael, who always gave morale, tried to find out how we were doing in terms of health, equipment and in the field. He did this often and we felt well respected for the work we were doing. Before we received 12,000 to 13,000 meticais, now we're receiving around 9,000 meticais and with cuts that we don't understand at all," reveals the Moz24 horas portal, quoting young people affiliated to the UIR.

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