Section between Marracuene and Xai-Xai goes under private management

Troço entre Marracuene e Xai-Xai vai à gestão privada

The section that connects the districts of Marracuene, in the province of Maputo, and the city of Xai-Xai, in the province of Gaza, will be handed over to private management, in order to ensure greater durability to the infrastructure and safety in the transit of people and goods.

The information was recently made public by Carlos Mesquita, Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources (MOPHRH), during the balance of the last stage of the visit to Maputo province, which aimed to find out about the projects of the Five-Year Government Program, namely, the real situation of the road network and water infrastructure in the city.

Mesquita said on the occasion that, in addition to the Marracuene-Xai-Xai section, the Matola-Boane, Boane-Bela-Vista and Boane-Namaacha sections will also be handed over to private management.

"The impression we have is that the maintenance work is in accordance with what the project is. We have an asphalt mass here that when the intervention is finished, we will have about 5 centimeters of thickness.

We have to recognize that the 3 de Fevereiro-Incoluane section is an area that is quite affected and had its last major intervention 15 years ago.

It is important that the roadways adhere to a proper routine maintenance plan and periodic maintenance to the end of their useful life.

Regarding the management of the roads under concession, the governor said that the tolls are part of a road infrastructure, and pointed out the choice of the user-pays methodology, to ensure its sustainability.

"We make sure that the concessionaires themselves, the National Road Administration (ANE), or the Road Fund, which currently manages the roads issue, that effectively these toll funds are applied to the roads for which the tolls are installed," concluded Carlos Mesquita.

It is important to mention that the visit of the holder of the portfolio of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, to the province of Maputo, lasted three days, where he also visited the dams of Corumana, Pequenos Libombos, Umbeluzi Treatment Stations, Sabié, the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Infulene, the stretch Vila de Marracuene-Macaneta, the bridge over the Incomati River in Magude, among other important structures for the operation of the system.

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