Court frees journalist detained in Balama

Tribunal liberta jornalista detido em Balama

The Balama District Court in Cabo Delgado has ordered the release of journalist Arlindo Chissale, who was arrested by the Mozambique Republic Police for allegedly gathering information to foment terrorism.

The Balama District Court in Cabo Delgado has granted provisional release to journalist Arlindo Chissale, detained in that province, MISA Mozambique said in a statement.

"The accusation, reinforced this Thursday (03.11) by the Cabo Delgado Provincial Prosecutor's Office, in the person of its spokesman, Gilroy Fazenda, points to the fact that Arlindo Chissale was arrested not as a journalist, but as 'a citizen' for committing 'suspicious' acts," reads the note.

"From the outset, the individual was not arrested because he was a journalist or because he practiced journalism. He was arrested as a citizen, in connection with the crime of terrorism, with particular emphasis on gathering information for the commission of terrorist acts," said Gilroy Fazenda, adding that "the arrest was the result of a tip-off from a local businessman who became suspicious of the fact that the journalist intended to book all the rooms in a residential house that would be occupied by his work colleagues," the press release said.

Information gathered by MISA from sources close to the journalist indicates that Arlindo Chissale was arrested while capturing images of public institutions in the district, a typical procedure for journalists.

The MISA communiqué writes that after long hours of hearings, Arlindo Chissale has been indicted for committing the crime of illegal or illicit exercise of official functions, provided for and punishable under the terms of article 344/3 of the Penal Code.

"As the requirements for continued pre-trial detention have not been met, the criminal investigating judge in Balama has granted the journalist provisional release, subject to a term of identity and residence, a decision to be implemented this Friday (04.11)," the statement said.

MISA Mozambique believes that "this is the first step so that, in familiar surroundings and without pressure, the accused has the opportunity to defend himself against the accusations against him, thus proving his innocence".

MISA Mozambique also made it known that "it will continue to closely monitor the progress of the case, in the interests of justice and lending its support whenever it deems it pertinent, so that the Freedoms of Expression and of the Press are never undermined and that journalists carry out their duties within the legal framework in force and without fear". (DW)

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