Storm Faida has weakened, but there is a new system in the Indian Ocean basin

Tempestade Faida já enfraqueceu, mas há novo sistema na bacia do Oceano Índico

Moderate Tropical Storm Faida, which hit the mainland of Madagascar, has lost strength and moved into the Tropical Depression stage, and should continue to lose strength to the Low Pressure category.

According to the National Meteorological Institute (INAM), with the weakening in progress, this weather system is no longer a cause for alert in Mozambique.

Meanwhile, INAM is warning of the formation of a new weather system in the southwestern Indian Ocean basin, called Vince. According to the agency, current forecasts indicate that this phenomenon poses no threat to the Mozambique Channel or to national territory.

Even so, the meteorological authorities continue to monitor the evolution of these atmospheric formations and call on the population to remain attentive to the official updates and warnings issued by the competent bodies.


(Photo DR)

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