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Moçambique vai produzir vacinas e injectáveis em larga escala

Mozambique to produce vaccines and injectables on a large scale

Starting this year, Mozambique will produce vaccines and injectables on a large scale to deal with diseases such as tuberculosis and polio, and also reduce expenditure on importing medicines. As part of this, two more production lines are being installed at the Pharmaceutical Industry (INFARMA) in Matola, Maputo province. "Our policy, as a government,...

Moçambique procura vacinas para responder eventual surto de Mpox

Mozambique seeks vaccines to respond to possible Mpox outbreak

The Mozambican government is contacting international partners to gain access to vaccines against monkeypox (Mpox), despite the fact that there are still no positive cases. According to the National Health Institute (INS), despite having no positive cases, the country has been anticipating the search for vaccines around the world in order to respond to the outbreak, in case...

Agência Egípcia doa quatro mil doses de vacina contra cólera

Egyptian agency donates 4,000 doses of cholera vaccine

With a view to preventing and responding quickly to cholera, Mozambique has just received 4,000 doses of vaccine from the Egyptian Development Partnership Agency. The donation comes in a context in which the health authorities are improving preparedness and readiness actions to prevent the outbreak of the disease in the rainy season...

Moçambique projecta produzir vacinas para prevenção de várias doenças nos próximos anos

Mozambique plans to produce vaccines to prevent various diseases in the coming years

In the next few years, Mozambique will be able to manufacture vaccines to prevent various diseases that affect the Mozambican population and thus contribute to improving people's quality of life. The information was shared this Monday (02) in Bali by the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Carlos Zacarias, as he left the Mozambique-Indonesia bilateral meeting,...

Mpox/Vacina: Unicef lança concurso de emergência

Mpox/Vaccine: Unicef launches emergency competition

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) announced a few days ago the launch of an emergency tender to speed up the purchase of vaccines against the Mpox virus. "The tender aims to ensure the receipt of mpox vaccines for delivery to the most affected countries, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) or...

Moçambique pede mais vacinas para combater a cólera

Mozambique calls for more vaccines to fight cholera

The Mozambican government, through the Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, called yesterday, Monday (29), in Maputo, for an increase in the production of vaccines against cholera, warning of the unprecedented rise in cases of the disease in the world, which has already killed 38 people in the country since October last year. Speaking at the opening of the first Conference...

Mundo com défice de vacinas contra cólera até 2025, alerta OMS

World in cholera vaccine shortage by 2025, WHO warns

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Monday that the world will have a shortage of cholera vaccines by 2025 and that one billion people in 43 countries could be infected with the disease. In a warning about the increase in cholera cases around the world, the WHO agency...

MISAU enfrenta dificuldade para adquirir vacinas contra cólera

MOH faces difficulties in acquiring cholera vaccines

The Ministry of Health (MISAU) is having difficulty acquiring cholera vaccines due to pressure on doses on the international market. This is the fourth time the country has requested the drug, having been successful in the first three requests. Around three million doses have been sent to Mozambique. The doses...

Quelimane: Vacinas contra a cólera poderá arrancar esta semana

Quelimane: Cholera vaccines could start this week

Mozambique already has the vaccine to deal with the cholera epidemic that is afflicting some regions of the country, especially the city of Quelimane, in Zambezia province. According to the National Health Institute, around 1.7 million doses of vaccine have arrived in the country, of which around 400,000 will be allocated to the city of Quelimane,...