Tag: UIR

Home " UIR
UIR mata duas pessoas em Nicoadala

UIR kills two people in Nicoadala

Two people were killed today by agents of the Rapid Intervention Unit in the Nicuadala district of Zambezia province, according to the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD). The non-governmental organization has yet to provide more information on the case, including the motives behind the shootings. However, information available to MZNews indicates that...

MISA condena baleamento de repórter pela UIR e diz que é “inaceitável” o uso de força letal

MISA condemns the shooting of a reporter by the UIR and says the use of lethal force is "unacceptable"

Misa Mozambique, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that defends press freedom, has condemned the shooting of a reporter from SPM TV, a local broadcaster that broadcasts in digital format, by agents from the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR). The case took place on December 14, when the police fired on people attending the funeral...