Tag: gang

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RSA: Detidos moçambicanos suspeito de pertencer a quadrilha de sequestros

RSA: Mozambican suspected of belonging to kidnap gang arrested

Two Mozambicans are among a group of 14 people arrested by South African police, allegedly for belonging to a kidnapping syndicate in Gauteng province. The group also includes three Chinese nationals and an undisclosed number of women. The suspects were arrested after the kidnapping of a Zimbabwean businessman, who had been taken to various hideouts,...

Niassa: SERNIC mata um e captura sete membros de uma quadrilha

Niassa: SERNIC kills one and captures seven gang members

The National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) in Niassa has dismantled a gang of robbers after an exchange of fire resulted in the death of one of the eight members of the group. According to SERNIC, five of the seven people accused of aggravated robbery using a pistol were arrested...

Quadrilha liderada por um vovô espanca curandeiro empresário

Gang led by a grandfather beats up businessman healer

A 66-year-old man is accused of leading a gang of five who robbed and beat up a healer and his wife in the Ribáuè district of Nampula. He and another subordinate are already in the hands of the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC). In addition to the assault on the healer and his wife,...