Tag: strike

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Sasol retoma actividades após a paralisação provocada pelas manifestações

Sasol resumes activities after the stoppage caused by the demonstrations

South African petrochemical company Sasol, which exploits natural gas in the province of Inhambane, is operating normally, after the stoppage caused by the demonstrations that have been taking place since last October. According to a report in the newspaper Notícias, which quotes the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Silvino Moreno, the problem that culminated in the...

Manifestação à escala nacional: CTA antevê  prejuízos avultados e apela a não adesão

Nationwide demonstration: CTA foresees heavy losses and calls for non-adherence

The CTA - Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique has expressed its opposition to the "proposed general strike" that is due to take place this Monday, October 21. At a press conference held today in Maputo City, the members of the CTA, in addition to considering it a mixture of political issues, repudiated the fact and called on all companies not to...


MISAU says there are no reasons for APSUSM to stop its activities

The Ministry of Health (MISAU) says there are no reasons for the stoppage of activities announced by the Association of United and Solidarity Health Professionals of Mozambique (APSUSM). In a press release, the MISAU says that the announcement comes in a context in which the negotiation process with the professional health associations has been led by a...

Transportadores semi-coletivos paralisam actividades na Matola devido à degradação das vias

Semi-collective transporters paralyze activities in Matola due to road degradation

Semi-collective passenger transporters operating on the Cinema 700 route in the city of Matola stopped their activities today, Wednesday (24), in protest at the precarious conditions of the roads, particularly Avenida 5 de Fevereiro. The protesters claim that the degradation and lack of proper maintenance of the access roads has caused significant damage...

Greve geral: Professores prometem paralisar actividades a partir de sexta-feira

General strike: Teachers vow to stop work from Friday

Teachers will stop work from next Friday (26) if the government fails to pay 13 months' overtime by then, the President of the National Teachers' Association (ANAPRO) warned on Saturday. This stoppage could affect an undetermined number of students, some of whom will not be able to...


"LAM's situation is alarming," warns CIP

The Center for Public Integrity (CIP) said yesterday that the stoppage of the four aircraft operated by Mozambique Airlines (LAM) is the result of the "alarming situation" in which the company finds itself. On Monday, the state carrier announced in a statement "the unavailability" of its four aircraft, due to the need for "maintenance", a situation that led to the...


Paralysis of passenger train circulation worsens the cost of living in Niassa

The paralysis of passenger and cargo train circulation in the Lichinga-Cuamba and Cuamba-Entre-Lago branches is aggravating the cost of living of the population in Niassa. In both branches, the train has not circulated since the first week of December last year. According to Radio Mozambique, at this moment, for example, a 25 kilogram bag of rice costs...