Tag: Mothballs

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Deputado da Frelimo espancado abruptamente por população de Mecanhelas

Frelimo MP abruptly beaten up by Mecanhelas residents

A member of parliament from Frelimo, the ruling party, was brutally beaten on Saturday by the population in the village of Insaca, in the district of Mecanhelas, Niassa province. His car did not escape the wrath of the population either. Paulo Pagama was physically assaulted when he fell into an ambush organized by members of Podemos, following clashes. He...

Niassa: Populares e polícia disputam urnas de voto em Mecanhelas

Niassa: People and police fight over ballot boxes in Mecanhelas

The town of Insaca, the seat of the Mecanhelas district in Niassa province, was in turmoil in the early hours of this morning, Thursday (10), as a result of a confrontation involving the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) and an alleged group of young voters. According to the Ikweli portal, the dispute was over the transportation of ballot boxes...