Tag: MDM

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Lutero Simango denuncia proibição dos seus membros de focalizar a votação nas mesas de voto

Lutero Simango denounces ban on his members focusing on voting at polling stations

The presidential candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Lutero Simango, called on the National Electoral Commission (CNE) to comply with the Electoral Law. Speaking after casting his vote, Simango complained that alleged members of his party were prevented from focusing on the vote at polling stations. He called on the electoral bodies to correct...

Lutero Simango quer transformar recursos em oportunidades

Lutero Simango wants to turn resources into opportunities

The presidential candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Lutero Simango, promised to turn the natural resources of Manica province into job opportunities. Alternating between marches, interpersonal contact and rallies, Simango put youth at the center of his promises because he believes it needs special attention. "I want to bring about change, create opportunities for young people to...

Lutero Simango reitera compromisso de acabar com o terrorismo em Cabo Delgado

Lutero Simango reiterates commitment to end terrorism in Cabo Delgado

The presidential candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), the second opposition party, Lutero Simango reiterated his commitment on the 18th day of the electoral campaign to end terrorism in Cabo Delgado province if he wins the elections next October. Lutero Simango's commitment was expressed yesterday, Tuesday (10) in the Montepuez district...

Frelimo, Renamo e MDM não têm propostas claras para o sector agrícola

Frelimo, Renamo and MDM have no clear proposals for the agricultural sector

The three political parties, Frelimo, Renamo and Movimento Democrático de Moçambique (MDM), which had parliamentary seats in the last elections, do not present clear proposals for the development of the agricultural sector. This is the finding of the Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD), which analyzed the election manifestos of the three political parties. "Although there is a...

MDM promete requalificar infra-estruturas sócio-económicas na província da Zambézia

MDM promises to upgrade socio-economic infrastructure in Zambezia province

This Monday, the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) went to the "Bananeira" market in Quelimane, the capital of the central province of Zambézia, to ask from stall to stall for votes that will guarantee it a majority victory on October 9, with a view to implementing its electoral manifesto, which includes the requalification of socio-economic infrastructures. Speaking...

Cabo Delgado: Lutero Simango esperado em Balama

Cabo Delgado: Lutero Simango expected in Balama

The presidential candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Lutero Simango, is expected this afternoon in the town of Balama in Cabo Delgado, from the neighboring province of Niassa. A note from the party quoted by "Notícias" indicates that, after Balama, Simango will head to the city of Montepuez, where tomorrow he will lead a rally, before...

Campanha eleitoral: Candidato presidencial do MDM, Lutero Simango escala hoje a província da Zambézia

Election campaign: MDM presidential candidate Lutero Simango stops off in Zambézia province today

The presidential candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Lutero Simango, arrives in Zambezia province this Monday for his campaign campaign. According to the program provided by the MDM, Lutero Simango's first electoral campaign in this province will take place in the district of Morrumbala, where he will...

Igreja Católica diz que desconhece a candidatura do padre Fernão Magalhães pelo MDM

Catholic Church says it is unaware of Father Fernão Magalhães' candidacy for MDM

The Catholic Church in Nampula says it is distancing itself from the candidacy of Father Fernão Magalhães for governor of this northern province of Mozambique by the Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM), pointing out that this decision is beyond ecclesiastical legislation. According to a statement distributed in Nampula and quoted by AIM, Archbishop Inácio Saure, who...

MDM denuncia actos de intolerância política a poucos do arranque da campanha eleitoral

MDM denounces acts of political intolerance just before the start of the election campaign

The president of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), who is also a presidential candidate in the October 9 general elections, Lutero Simango, denounced the occurrence of acts of political intolerance, revealing the existence of unknown groups that have been destroying the party's district headquarters. Speaking during a meeting with his party's grassroots in...