Tag: Fraud

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Portugal “legitima fraude eleitoral em Moçambique” segundo parlamentares

Portugal "legitimizes electoral fraud in Mozambique" according to parliamentarians

Portuguese parliamentary parties are criticizing Portugal's participation in the official ceremonies for the swearing in of Daniel Chapo as the 5th President of the Republic of Mozambique tomorrow. Following the approval of a recommendation by the Portuguese parliament for the country not to take part in the ceremony in Mozambique, Portugal decided to send the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Paulo...

INCM diz haver uso fraudulento das telecomunicações e contra a segurança nacional

INCM says there is fraudulent use of telecommunications and against national security

The Communications Regulatory Authority (INCM) says it has observed the abusive use of telecommunications networks to promote actions that undermine state security. In a statement, the INCM refers to the publication of videos and messages that promote and encourage violent demonstrations and other acts of disobedience and social destabilization. According to...

Manuel de Araújo denuncia fraude à favor da Frelimo na Zambézia

Manuel de Araújo denounces fraud in favor of Frelimo in Zambézia

On Thursday, in the city of Quelimane, the Renamo party's front-runner for governor of Zambezia province, Manuel de Araújo, denounced electoral illegalities orchestrated to benefit the Frelimo party, which he described as a "military coup d'état". In front of journalists, he presented 116 ballot papers in which those filled in favored the ruling Frelimo party....

Zambézia: Secretária provincial da Frelimo e mais dois membros detidos e condenados por de tentativa de fraude eleitoral

Zambézia: Frelimo provincial secretary and two other members arrested and sentenced for attempted electoral fraud

Members of the Frelimo party were arrested, tried and sentenced for attempted electoral fraud in the city of Quelimane, Zambezia province. According to Manuel de Araújo, Renamo's candidate for governor of Zambézia, they are Frelimo's provincial secretary, Frelimo's candidate for member of the Municipal Assembly and another member...

ONG processa governador da Zambézia e sua filha por nepotismo e fraude

NGO sues Zambezian governor and his daughter for nepotism and fraud

The non-governmental organization (NGO) Citizens of Mozambique is suing the governor of Zambezia province, Pio Matos and his daughter, Marla Matos, as well as citizen Ossemane Cacá. According to a DW publication, Pio Matos and Marla Matos are accused of nepotism, embezzlement and fraud in the case of the purchase of a boat, which was supposed to connect...

Frelimo e Renamo negoceiam divisão poder pós-fraude eleitoral – denuncia CIP

Frelimo and Renamo negotiate division of power after electoral fraud - denounces CIP

The current President of the Republic and of the Frelimo party, Filipe Nyusi, and the President of the largest opposition party, Ossufo Momade, have confirmed power-sharing deals between the two parties following the release of fraudulent election results, reveals the Center for Public Integrity (CIP). Through its Election Bulletin, the institution states that...

Detido mentor da fraude milionária no INSS

INSS millionaire fraud mastermind arrested

This week, a scandalous scheme that caused large sums of money to disappear from a National Social Security Institute (INSS) account was revealed in the pages of newspapers. The scheme involved several people, including senior INSS officials, bankers and computer experts. The fraud consisted of making undue payments to beneficiaries of the...

Governo mantém aposta no projecto de 1.200 casas, e responsabiliza Índia pela falha no procurement

Government maintains commitment to 1,200-home project, blames India for procurement failure

The Minister for Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Carlos Mesquita, said that the government would continue to invest in the project to build 12,000 houses in Tete, Cabo Delgado and Zambézia. "We continue to insist that it goes ahead. These are houses that were valued at around 1,200, but it depends on the amount...