Tag: Edil of Quelimane

Home " Edil of Quelimane
Manuel de Araújo diz que o porta-voz da Renamo violou os estatutos

Manuel de Araújo says Renamo spokesman violated statutes

The mayor of Quelimane, Manuel de Araújo, says that Renamo's spokesman, José Manteigas, violated the statutes by announcing the current president, Ossufo Momade, as a presidential candidate before this year's congress. "If you read the party statutes, you'll notice that either my friend José Manteigas doesn't know the statutes...

Edil de Quelimane abandona posto de recenseamento devido a desorganização

Quelimane mayor abandons census office due to disorganization

The Mayor of Quelimane, in Zambezia, Manuel de Araújo, on Friday abandoned the voter registration office located at Coalane Primary School, on the outskirts of the city, where he wanted to obtain his voter registration card, which would give him the right to vote and be elected. The reason for Manuel de Araújo's abandonment of the...