Tag: Durban

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Moçambique participa da Feira Africana do Turismo -2024

Mozambique participates in the African Tourism Fair -2024

Mozambique is among the 26 African countries taking part in the 2024 edition of the African Tourism Fair, which kicks off this Monday in the South African city of Durban. This is the first time that 26 African countries will be taking part in the event, including the debut of Burkina Faso, Guinea Conakry and Eritrea, where more than a thousand African exhibitors...

Autópsia de João Rendeiro marcada para terça-feira

João Rendeiro's autopsy scheduled for Tuesday

The autopsy of the former Portuguese banker João Rendeiro will be made on Tuesday, said today source of the morgue of Pinetown, suburbs of Durban, where it will be held. "We have our reasons" for the scheduling to be done for Tuesday, he told Lusa. Asked whether this is related to the investigation into the death in Westville prison,...


Mozambique confirms participation at INDABA fair in Durban

Mozambique confirms its participation at INDABA fair, considered the biggest tourism fair in Africa to be held from 3 to 5 May next in Durban in the neighboring Republic of South Africa. The confirmation comes from the Minister of Culture and Tourism, who points out that at this moment, the ministry is in the process of...


Flooding causes at least 400 deaths in South Africa

The death toll from flooding in South Africa rose to around 400 on Friday, mainly in the Durban region on the country's east coast, local officials said. "A total of 40,723 people have been affected. Unfortunately, the death toll continues to rise, with the latest death update recorded at 395,"...