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Petrolífera moçambicana distribui mais de 500 meticais em dividendos por cada acção aos accionistas

Mozambican oil company distributes more than 500 meticais in dividends per share to shareholders

Companhia Moçambicana de Hidrocarbonetos (CMH) announced today that it will distribute 583 meticais per share to shareholders on October 30 as dividends for the 2023 financial year, the state oil company announced today. This payment refers to gross dividends of more than 3,459 million meticais for the financial year ending October 30....

Receitas do Estado moçambicano com dividendos mais do que duplicaram no primeiro semestre

Mozambican state revenues from dividends more than doubled in the first half of the year

The Mozambican state's revenue from dividends more than doubled in the first half of the year, compared to the same period in 2022, to almost 5,641 million meticais. The figures are contained in the Ministry of Economy and Finance's economic and social balance sheet on the implementation of the state budget for the first half of the year, quoted by Lusa. According to...