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Moçambique precisa transitar do desporto artesanal para semi-industrial, defende Nyusi

Mozambique needs to move from artisanal to semi-industrial sport, argues Nyusi

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, advocates investing in the development and professionalization of sports in order to bring them up to the level of sports practices in other latitudes. "Try to professionalize Mozambican sport. It can't be artisanal for life. Let's move away from that to at least semi-industrial", said Nyusi, stressing that we must fight...



Seven new areas of the Mozambican Association of Companies and Professionals Human Resources (AMEPRH) took office in Maputo. These are the areas of Training and Development, which will be headed by Mónica Macamo, Culture by Nália Agostinho, Local Content by Elthon Chemane, Innovation and Technology by Sazia Sousa, Energy by Jocelyne Machevo, Inclusion and Diversity by João Machevo, Innovation and Technology by Sazia Sousa, Energy by Jocelyne Machevo, Inclusion and...