Tag: Human Development

Home " Human Development

Ibrahim Index: Mozambique has made progress in "human development", but economic opportunities have slowed down

Mozambique has maintained its 26th position in the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) 2022, but the decline recorded over the last decade is slowing down, according to the report published yesterday. According to the study, drawn up by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and quoted by Lusa, Mozambique showed the most progress in the "Human Development" category, but this trend is slowing down in...


More than 1.1 million students will take final exams

The Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) revealed today that more than 1.1 million primary and secondary school students will be submitted to final exams between November 25 and December 10 in the country. According to MINEDH's spokesperson, Gina Guibunda, quoted by "Notícias", the first exams will take place...