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Conselho Constitucional poderá anunciar hoje a decisão sobre o recurso da CAD

Constitutional Council could announce decision on CAD appeal today

The Constitutional Council could announce today, Wednesday (31), its decision on the appeal submitted by the Democratic Alliance Coalition (CAD) regarding the decision of the National Electoral Commission (CNE), which declared its candidacy for the legislative and provincial assembly elections on October 9 null and void. According to a report in the newspaper Notícias, the...

Governo contesta decisão que trava exportações de feijão-bóer para a Índia

Government challenges decision to halt cowpea exports to India

The Mozambican government, through the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC), announced on Wednesday that it is filing a legal challenge to the decision of the Administrative Court which, almost a month ago, suspended the process of exporting pigeon peas to India. The suspension, which is the result of a lawsuit filed by the company Mazua Comercial,...

Eleições autárquicas: Anulado a decisão de invalidar o escrutínio em Chókwè

Local elections: Decision to invalidate ballot in Chókwè overturned

The Constitutional Council (CC), which is exclusively responsible for validating elections in Mozambique, yesterday annulled the decision to invalidate the ballot in Chókwè, which had been taken by a district court. According to the CC, it is exclusively up to the body to annul elections, although it admits the existence of irregularities raised by the opposition that will be evaluated in...