Tag: credit

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Crédito à economia moçambicana caiu em Novembro para 277.9 mil milhões de meticais

Credit to the Mozambican economy fell in November to 277.9 billion meticais

The volume of credit to the Mozambican economy fell in November to 277.9 billion meticais, the sixth monthly drop. Even so, according to official figures, there was an increase in private indebtedness over the same period. A statistical report by the Bank of Mozambique, quoted by the Portuguese website Visão, states that credit to the economy granted by banks...


Bank of Mozambique warns of high credit defaults

The governor of the Bank of Mozambique said on Wednesday that the national banking sector is "solid and well capitalized", but warned that non-performing loans remain at high levels, pointing out that in September the ratio stood at 9.1% against 9.3 in the same month last year. "The national banking sector remains solid...

Crédito à economia reduziu 6% em Junho

Credit to the economy down 6% in June

Credit granted to companies fell by just over 6% in June compared to the same month last year, reports the newspaper "O País", citing the Bank of Mozambique's report on Credit Statistics for the Economy. Meanwhile, in the same period, credit to families increased by 21%. Overall, says the source, the...

HCB garante “boas práticas” no uso de crédito

HCB guarantees "good practices" in the use of credit

Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB) clarified to Lusa yesterday that the 225 million euro credit it has available for investments will only be used if necessary and within the scope of good management practices. The amounts "can be disbursed if the company needs it and deems it necessary during the implementation of Capex Vital", a...