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INAM prevê continuação de chuvas moderadas a fortes no  Sul e Centro do País

INAM forecasts continued moderate to heavy rainfall in the south and center of the country

Moderate to heavy rains may continue over the next few days and may be accompanied by thunderstorms and gusty winds in the provinces of Manica, Sofala and Tete, in the center, and Gaza and Inhambane, in the south of the country. According to the INAM statement, in Manica, the districts of Bárue, Gondola, Guro, Macate, Manica, Mossurize, Machaze,...

INAM alerta para continuação de calor intenso nas próximas duas semanas

INAM warns of continued intense heat for the next two weeks

The National Meteorological Institute (INAM) warns that the country will continue to experience intense heat in all regions over the next two weeks. According to meteorologist Pedro Mutumane, the sharp rise in temperature may be linked to climate change, despite the forecast of hot weather during the current rainy season. Pedro Mutumane was speaking this...