Tag: AT

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AT aborta tentativa de contrabando 752 caixas de cigarros avaliadas em 10,5 milhões de meticais

AT foils attempt to smuggle 752 cartons of cigarettes worth 10.5 million meticais

Mozambique's Tax Authority (AT) has seized 752 cartons of cigarettes on the smuggling route across the Ponta d'Ouro border, in Maputo province, between Mozambique and neighboring South Africa. With the seizure of this merchandise, valued at 10.5 million meticais, the Mozambican state could collect around five million in duties, without...

AT avança com um sistema tecnológico geo-espacial para reduzir o contrabando

AT moves forward with a geospatial technology system to reduce smuggling

The Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) intends to reduce the levels of smuggling, illicit collections and other evils that occur at border crossings by implementing a geospatial technology system. According to the director-general of Customs, Taurai Tsama, the technology will optimize surveillance, strengthen inspection operations and respond effectively to incidents...

AT suspende inspecção e fiscalização  ao comércio

AT suspends inspection and monitoring of trade

Inspections, inspections and audits of commercial establishments have been suspended indefinitely, the Tax Authority (AT) announced on Tuesday. The measure follows abnormal cases, such as the duplication of procedures, in some situations, in a short space of time, by two or more teams with the same objective, according to Notícias.....


AT: Nacala with influence over 85% of customs tax revenue

The Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) recognizes the city of Nacala, Nampula province, as the most important customs territory in the northern region of the country, with an influence of over 85% in all customs tax revenues. The information was revealed by the commander of the Tax Authority for the city of Nacala, João Salpiel, when...

Cidade de Maputo alcança mais de 90% na cobrança de receitas

Maputo City reaches over 90% in revenue collection

From January to March 2023, the revenue collection target for the Maputo City Delegation of the Tax Authority was 45,883,398.13 Mil Mts and it collected 44,841,120.30 Mil Mts, corresponding to a realization of 97.73% and an increase of 14.64% compared to the same period last year, which had...

Apreendidas garrafas de óleo alimentar contrafeito

Bottles of counterfeit cooking oil seized

The National Inspection of Economic Activities, INAE, and the Tax Authority of Mozambique identified last Friday, twelve brands of counterfeit cooking oil that are being marketed in the country. The INAE spokesman, Tomás Timba, who disclosed the fact on Tuesday in Maputo, assured that actions are underway to withdraw the product from the domestic market,...


Amelia Muendane urges AT employees to be incorruptible

The president of the tax authority of Mozambique (AT), requires the officials of that institution to be incorruptible and ruthless in complying with the law, aiming to make the tax system more solid, robust and efficient. The challenge was launched this Tuesday in Pemba, Cabo Delgado, by Amelia Muendane, president of the Tax Authority, in the act of patenting of 32 tax documents...


Concluded the process of transitioning AT employees to a single career

More than 3,800 employees of the Tax Authority of Mozambique (AT), including customs and tax, who had been stagnant without professional development since 2012, have just moved to a single career path. According to the president of the AT, Amelia Muendane, this marks the completion of the transition process, started in 2016, benefiting, in its entirety, 3833 employees. Speaking about the...