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Venâncio Mondlane abre campanha na Matola

Venâncio Mondlane opens campaign in Matola

Presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane announced on Wednesday that the start of his presidential campaign will be in Matola, Maputo province, according to the newspaper "O País". Mondlane's candidacy is supported by the Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique (PODEMOS), as Mondlane himself announced a few days ago. PODEMOS appears as an alternative...

Presidente da CNE fala do arranque da campanha eleitoral dentro de instante

President of the CNE talks about the electoral campaign starting soon

The president of the National Electoral Commission (CNE), Carlos Matsinhe, will shortly be speaking at STAE's National Press Center, urging all contestants and society in general to participate in an orderly, exemplary and upright manner in the electoral campaign by political parties and groups of citizens. The election campaign officially kicks off tomorrow,...

Governo garante estar tudo a postos para o arranque do XI Festival Nacional da Cultura

Government guarantees everything is in place for the start of the XI National Culture Festival

Everything is in place for the start this week of the 11th edition of the National Culture Festival, to be held in Maputo province. The guarantee comes from the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Eldevina Materula, who visited the venues that will house the artists from the various cultural events this Saturday. Eldevina Materula also visited the venues...