Tag: approval

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Parlamento aprova proibição de uso indiscriminado de drones

Parliament approves ban on indiscriminate use of drones

The deputies of the Assembly of the Republic (AR) today approved, by consensus, the legal provision that prohibits the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. According to the Executive, the law will establish the principles and guidelines for the activities of capturing images by surveying unmanned flights in the country. This is the proposed Law on Aerial Surveys and Cinematography...

Parlamento aprova julgamento por videoconferência

Parliament approves trial by videoconference

On Thursday, the Mozambican parliament approved the Law on the Electronic Processing of Judicial Proceedings, which authorizes the processing of cases electronically, such as holding trials and hearings by video conference. The instrument can help to mitigate constraints arising from procedural delays, excessive use of consumables, as well as difficulties in carrying out court proceedings,...

Assembleia da República aprova proposta de lei que cria o Fundo Soberano de Moçambique

Parliament approves bill creating Mozambique Sovereign Fund

The Assembly of the Republic (AR) has just approved the bill creating the Mozambique Sovereign Fund. The act was approved by 165 Frelimo MPs, while 39 from the Renamo and Mozambique Democratic Movement benches voted against it. There were 204 MPs present in the chamber, out of 250...

“Aprovação do segundo programa de financiamento do FMI demonstra que o país está num bom caminho”

"Approval of the IMF's second financing program shows that the country is on the right track"

The Mozambican government, through the Ministry of Economy and Finance, said on Friday that the approval of the second review of the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a demonstration that the country is "on the right track". On Thursday, the IMF approved the second review of the ECF for Mozambique, guaranteeing...

CTA elogia aprovação da nova Tabela Salarial Única na função pública

CTA praises the approval of the new Single Salary Scale in the civil service

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA) considered yesterday that the new Single Salary Table (TSU) in the civil service will increase the purchasing power of state workers and boost the country's economy. "The increase in salaries means that public servants will have their purchasing power improved and this will...


Analysts consider that approval of the TSU shows that Parliament is in tow

The approval by consensus between the three parliamentary benches of the New Single Wage Scale (TSU) shows how much the Mozambican Parliament is in thrall to the Executive, say analysts, who argue that there is a need to rethink the way Mozambique elects its representatives. The new salary scale had already been approved in a previous session of...